Edition 8.90 Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, Marketing-Kommunikation BalanstraGe 73, D-8000 Miinchen 80. Siemens AG 1990. All Rights Reserved. As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for components per se. not for applications. processes and circuits implemented within components or assemblies. The information describes the type of compenent and shal! not be considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Offices of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft in the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin (West) or the Siemens Companies and Representatives worldwide. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the type in question please contact your nearest Siemens Office, Components Group Siemens AG is an approved CECC manufacturer. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft TIntegrated Modulator-Mixer for Transmit Path PMB 2200 General Description The transmission frequency # at the differential inputs LO, LOX is first doubled and then filtered in such a way that a sine wave arises at 2% about 1.8 GHz. This frequency is the clock for a 2:1 divider. At the outputs of the two latches of this divider orthogonal carriers LOA and LOB for the modulator are produced. The modulator consists of two Gilbert Multipliers which are operated in switching mode by LOA and LOB respectively. P-DSO-20 Furthermore these muitipliers are driven with high linearity by the modulation signal A(t) and B(t) up to 1Vpp. Type Package The outputs of both Gilbert cells are combined at the addition PMB 2200 P-DSO-20(SMD) points. The sum drives a linear output stage. Aninternal current source resistor of the output stage is fed to Features POW. This pad is to be connected to GND when minimal e Double-balanced mixer nonlinear distortion is wanted. Otherwise a resistor is to be e Direct modulation inserted, e. g. 30 Q to reduce the output current. e Linear modulating inputs e Symmetrical circuitry The pads PP, PPX and P, PX and VSi are used for DC-testing. e Generation of orthogonal carriers EN is the power-down switch. without external elements No trimming requiered e 35dB carrier rejection, 40dB SSB rejection e 42 dB rejection of third order products at normal drive level e 38dB rejection of doubled RF output frequency OdBm output power power ON/OFF switch, low standby current LO frequency range 800 MHz to 1000 MHz Modulation frequency range 0 to 400 MHz Temperature range 25 C to 85C The phase wof + w(t) of RF-carriers about 900 MHz is modulated by external signal S A() = K, sin y(t) and Bi) = K, cos w(t). The circuit is to be incorporated into a transmitter for mobile telephones conforming to the GSM standards. Application continuous phase modulation, e. g. GMSK digital mobile radio GSM-systems frequency fine tuning LOA) = - Kp sin wot { K, At)= K, sin w(t) RFOUT K, sing * &- xe) * } Bi) = K, cos w(t) K, cos y t LO(8) = Kz cos art X(t) = K, cos wf) x Ky cos wet K, sin yt) X Ky sinw Ke Sin Wot = K, K2c08 (wot + (dD) Realisation to eq. (8) in GSM rec. 05.04. Feb. 88. The actual internal generated orthogonal LO carriers work in switching mode. Siemens Aktiengesellschatt 120Integrated Modulator-Mixer for Transmit Path Block Diagram PP LO - Input 850 to 1000MHz []rmo 1pF 0 Lo 4p OL Frequency Filter Divider Doubler ipF 18 GHz L 2:1 loxo it DLOX LOBX - WE + [Jama BX > 4 Bit) PPX Enable ae 90 I No I VSIP ko Bias we YY \_Y GNDO /o VS] ITBO% BS Application Circuit #h2V._.VgoON 1. Power Enable Ven Vv, 20 sil GND. +08Vve-___ 2 19 OFF LH yan0 GNO 3|. PMB 2200 a Vg nF \, PO tOnF + & 17 Wink LO Input rr t-1% ZiLEX vs-fF 800 ..1000 MHz bz Lox exp 30... 300 mVrms ' 6 15 1nF 7 LO E tb 1nF -}- Ms 8lppx Bt 3 dB Hybrid 5 ; ZiLE 12 Sine generator 10nF PP BX or modulated I 10 1 1F generator, W A AX e.g. 45MHz 50Q wir I W 10nF t SOR 509 oF i PMB 2200 iA PX GSM-RF-Output Ho E Output Stage -o EX 2252 | P 452 Pow Vy 0 dBm RF Output Power Sum Vs, Z=75Q Z=75Q2 222252 AA High ZiL-impedance transforming circuitry. ZiLE = ZiLEX=ZiL= Z/Z,= 2252 Internal elements at E and EX:E EX Sn Tt Te 1k 1k2 1kQ U i i] k i TRO oar 25V REFO { J F prsos637 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 121